


A powerful and connective group experience to expand our capacity and live a life of integrity and purpose

We Gather To:

Take responsibility for our lives

Lead from the Heart

Create Relational Stability

Transform our Wounds into Gifts

Forgive Ourselves and Others

Build Emotional Resilience

What Men Are Saying:

“I’ve practiced various forms of breathwork for many years but attending my first New Moon Brotherhood circle opened an entirely new plane of understanding of what conscious breathing can do to unlock the dormant aspects of Self . I wasn’t fully aware of my need for this type of supportive community until I was there in person. If you are facing a roadblock holding you back from reaching your full potential, accepting yourself without judgment, or allowing yourself to experience the entire spectrum of emotions we encounter through this life - attend this men’s breathwork circle. Not only was I able to tap into a major shift in my own personal challenges, I felt a significant relief for the collective masculine spirit as I sat hand in hand with these brothers who are doing the work and taking action into their own hands to channel the change we all know is desperately needed in our world.

The container that Banks creates for the group allows for a sense of security which is essential for this transformation. When someone has the passion and confidence to hold that space for others in the way Banks is able to, we are relieved of having to bare the full burden of self-reliance so many men grapple with alone. With that support, there is a new dimension of growth that is allowed to manifest and flourish. I went through nearly every powerful emotion I battle against on a regular basis; the difference was that this time I stood against these emotions with the knowing that I wasn’t alone, that I was surrounded by a collective of men willing to have my back and charge through the fire together. If your spirit calls you to begin this journey, know that the circle is waiting to take you in and that there is no force that can compare against taking these steps to lifting yourself up.”

- Max Raines, 2023

All sessions are $20 - $60. Write Breathwork & the date of event at payment.

Want to bring this powerful style of breathwork to the men in your area? Send an email to to work together.

We call this a "coming home to ourselves."

This is an opportunity to fully express emotions such as anger and grief in tandem with other men. A big part of what this practice does is challenge you to remain in your center in the face of discomfort. It is not a challenge against others but with others, against one's own self.

The practice illuminates the emotional, physical, relational, and spiritual that have long awaited release from their containment. Having shared experiences of overcoming challenges & coming closer to oneself in the company of other men solidifies and strengthens the core of Brotherhood like the rings of an oak.

Such as air is one of the four major elements the breath brings us closer to our human nature. In this practice we are expanding our capacity of what we are able to experience, together; so that when we go out into the world a flat tire on a busy day, the heat of an argument, the loss of a loved one; we have the capacity to remain connected to the center of who we are, the vision of the world we want to see, and we respond from that place.

Through this, we arrive in and access altered states.

This practice has been adapted specifically for the gathering of men, to inspire the warrior within us to create and hold a container for the softness within our hearts. We believe the truth of a healthy warrior lies in his ability to deeply feel and experience suffering as well as the beauty in life, therefore being crystal clear on what he stands for and what he protects.

We will arrive together, create a group organism, use poetry as a medium to deepen into ourselves, experience the practice, and have an integration circle following.